

Senior All State Band and Orchestra

This weekend, our exceptional musicians representing Wootton in the Maryland Senior All-State Band and Orchestra had an unforgettable experience at the Maryland Music Educators Conference in Baltimore. They collaborated with top student musicians...

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Congratulations Musicians!

The right photo features our band students who auditioned and secured a chair in the MCPS Junior Honor Band. The left photo showcases our 10th-12th grade students in the MCPS Senior Honor Band and their guest conductor, Brian Balmages. Both groups...

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Marching Band Reveal 2024

"The Future is Current" is our show title.  The positive, loving energy emanated from the group last night. Your excellent attitude has given this season an extremely successful beginning. Let's keep these positive vibes going.

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The Express Concert

The Express, a student-led and extracurricular full orchestra, performed on April 8, and it was fantastic! Congratulations to all.

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KIDA Champions!

Wootton's Indoor Percussion and Guard KIDA Championships results! ,   Congratulations to our Indoor Percussion, team, which was crowned Champions, and our Indoor Guard, which earned third place. Congratulations to all for an outstanding season....

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