
KIDA Champions!

Wootton’s Indoor Percussion and Guard KIDA Championships results! ,   Congratulations to our Indoor Percussion, team, which was crowned Champions, and our Indoor Guard, which earned third place. Congratulations to all for an outstanding season. Thank you to all...

Congratulations to Mrs. Herman!

MCPS music teacher Carolyn Herman has been named Outstanding Educator of the Year by the Maryland Music Educators Association (MMEA). Mrs.Herman has taught instrumental music at Thomas S. Wootton High School for 20 years. Her top orchestra has performed at many MMEA...

Awesome Trip to Universal Studios!

The Bands and Orchestras traveled to Universal Studios in February.  Some of the highlights were stops at Bucee’s, the rides in the relentless rain, the waterpark, recording a soundtrack to Frankenstein, Medieval Times, where our knight almost won, and generally...